Christmas is celebrated by decorating the house and spending quality time with family. Given the festive and celebratory mood of the family, the decorations for Christmas are usually done after considering opinion of all family members. For most houses, the decorative items required for decoration are not purchased every year. A lot of stuff from previous year is re-used. However, even though the items used for decoration are same, they are used at different places and with different orientations, perhaps with some tweaking, to give fresh feel to the overall decor.
Living room is the most important place for the house as it is that place of the house where family members spend maximum time. While decorating the house for Christmas, special attention should be given to the living room.
Some of the important tips for decorating your living room for Christmas are:
- Deliberate and finalize a theme for your house. There are various options that are commonly used as theme like Snow white theme where the feel of snow fall is achieved by use of color white or heart red theme where the color is predominantly used in most of the decoration. Other color themes are also popular like evergreen, blue, or multiple colors like blue with golden and silver etc. Some other traditional themes are candy theme, toy theme or food theme. You can also select any other theme that you find convenient to carry and for which minimum expenditure is required. Do consider the color of the walls and the furniture of the house to decide on the theme. The theme for decoration should be in line with the oveall decor of the house and should not look out of place.
- Organize the furniture in the living room in such a way that maximum space is utilized. Avoid blocking path and try to remove unwanted furniture to some other place like terrace or garage. Remember that sitting place in the living room should be adequate and there should be some extra sitting for occasional guests.
The color of curtains and pillow cowers should be selected to match the overall theme of the house. This helps in blending of furniture and walls into the overall decoration of the house. Having theme based curtains and pillows add great value to the overall decoration of the house.
- Plan if the Christmas tree needs to be placed in the living room. If you decide to place the Christmas tree in your living room, have the place reserved for the tree in advance. Remember to buy the Christmas tree within the dimensions of place allocated for the tree.
- There are many decorative items available for decoration like candles, cards, ornaments etc. Use them prudently. Place the most appealing items at the most visible place in the living room. Try not to create a mess by placing all the items on one table. Divide the items into groups and accordingly use them on any flat surface that can be utilized for decoration. Old Christmas cards are good decorative items and can be used in multiple ways. They can be placed on the flat surface. They can be cut and a collage can be made on the door or the wall. They can also be glued together to form a card chain that can be hanged on the wall.
- If there is any window in the living room, hanging wreaths can be effectively used to decorate them. Garlands can also be used to decorate the window. A good way to highlight the window is to use lighting. Lights can be used from both side of the window. Lights falling on curtain from outside can give a highlighting effect to the curtain.
- Walls can be decorated by hanging ornaments, garlands or by sticking theme based posters or papers. Empty photo frames can be used along with theme based paper to highlight the wall. However, while decorating the wall, adequate care should be taken that the walls are not permanently damaged.
- There should be arrangement of music in the living room. A small tape player or radio can be sufficient to fulfil the music needs of the living room. Music gives a festive feel to the overall decorations.
- It is important that the room smells good. No amount of decoration will make the living room comfortable to sit if it smells like dead fish. Use a good scent to complement the wonderful decorations.