Decorating Your Bedroom

Bedroom is the place where you relax and sleep after the whole days work. It is not only the place where you relax, but it is the place which you use for dressing up in the morning or for an occasion, read your favorite books or novels, play and chit chat with your family members and sometimes friends for some privacy. It is the room which is unique from all other rooms in the house. It gives privacy to the family members staying at home. You can keep private things in your cupboard in your bedroom.

A bedroom consists of furniture such as bed, wardrobe, dressing table, a small cupboard with a drawer and a relaxing chair. Since a lot of space gets occupied with all these furniture pieces, the beauty of a bedroom primarily depends upon the quality of the furniture and management of such pieces in a proper manner. The furniture pieces should be kept in such a way that there should be enough places to move within the room. The room should not look congested and packed with all pieces and accessories. Therefore one should have the right size of bed, wardrobe, cupboard, dressing table in bedroom. Your partner should feel comfortable and relaxed while stepping into the room. Accessories do play a necessary part. Enhance your room with different accessories to add a spice in your bedroom.

Steps to decorate your bedroom:

  • Painting walls is one of the best ways to change the look of your bedroom completely. Paint the walls for your bedroom instead of applying wallpaper. It is easier to paint and is also cheaper. This would be of low budget. You just have to spend only few rupees to paint every room. Select decent colors which you like the most. Go for lighter shades. You can also opt of natural shades as they are also popular nowadays. It is advised to first check some samples before actually painting the walls. You can also go for warm colors like yellows, oranges and reds. These colors too add spice to the bedroom decor.
  • Decorating Your Bedroom
    Decorating Your Bedroom

    Next look at the bed. It is the most essential piece of furniture in that room and occupies the greater area of the room. An ugly shaped or non level bed will make the bedroom look cluttered. It is advised to take proper dimensions of the room and then choose the right bed for your bedroom. You can choose a queen size bed if your bedroom is small while you can choose a king size bedroom if your bedroom is big and can accommodate the bed size. It is advised to take your partner with you while selecting the bed. The bed should be such where you and your partner can get in and out of the bed with ease. There are many designs available in the market. Choose the design which best fit to your other home interiors and your budget.

  • You can give your home a different look by using cushions. It is not necessary that you should have cushions of same size, color or material. You can create a good combination of pillows and can place them on your bed. This will give you and your partner a beautiful comfort.
  • Add curtains which best suits your interior. You can also hang blinds or colorful drapes to give your room a pleasing look. Place scented candles in the room. They are inexpensive but are very effective in creating a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere. Place favorite prints in unusual frames or display favorite paintings and sculptures that reflect you and your partner feeling and personality. Place few colorful flowers in vase on the bedsides to create a romantic atmosphere.
  • Wardrobes play a very important role in storing our various items or belongings. They are one of the most convenient storage options.  You are advised to go for Modern wardrobes provide you with complete range of features and designs. They also feature a great combination of shelves, drawers and closet. They are available in a variety of finishes and styles that can match to your other interior pieces be it bed, dressing table or nightstands.
  • It is advised not to use bright lights in bedroom as these lights fail to create warmth in the environment. Always use dim lights as they make you and your partner relaxed and comfortable. An easy and cost effective way is to install dimmer switches. You can also use colorful lighting to create an intimate feeling.

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