Vastu for Kitchen

 Kitchen being the important part of home is the primary contributing factor in the general health and well-being of occupants. Kitchens are never calm or silent. They are filled with fragrances, energy and textures. The proper application of Vastu boosts this energy and achieves an atmosphere that is relaxed, emotionally comforting and mentally vivacious.

Idealistically the Kitchen should be in the South-East portion of the home. The second best position is the North West corner. Never have a kitchen in the North East portion or the central portion of the house.

Some essential things need to be considered in Vastu of kitchen:

  • The kitchen door should ideally be built in north, east or north-east corner of the kitchen. The door of the kitchen should never face the door of the toilet.
  • There should be no toilets and bathrooms adjoining, above or below the kitchen.
  • The exhaust fan should be installed either in the Northwest corner or the South wall.
  • White is supposed to be the best color for kitchens. Shades of Yellow, orange, red colors are also considered auspicious for the kitchen.
  • The larger windows should be in the East whereas any additional smaller windows can be in the South, for cross-ventilation.
  • Cooking stove should be in the South-East corner of the Kitchen. One should cook facing East.
  • Cooking stove should be placed few inches away from the wall and should not be visible from outside the kitchen.
  • The ideal place for Gas-cylinder is also the South east corner of Kitchen.
  • The Kitchen sink and cooking stove should be as far as possible from each other and sink should be in the North-East.
  • There should be no leaking taps in the kitchen.
  • Put the dining table in the north-west and not in the center of the Kitchen.
  • Drinking water should be stored in the North-East of the kitchen.
  • Water storage and water taps should be placed in North-east of the kitchen.
  • Electrical appliances such as heaters, geysers, microwave ovens etc should always be kept in the south-east or south side of the kitchen. Never place them in north-east part of the kitchen.
  • Refrigerator must be placed in the South-West direction and a foot away from the corner. Never place a refrigerator in the north-east direction.


  1. Hi,
    It seems that there’s a kitchen and bathroom at the center of the house and that’s a huge vastu far as vastu is concerned there’s not a remedy that can eliminate the ill effects of this defect, however, you can use feng shui as a remedy. I’d suggest you to get a local feng shui expert to visit your place and help you on this.

  2. Hi,i am constructing an island in my kitchen.I would like to know is it good to hav it according to vaastu??

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