As per Vaastu main door is where Mahalakshmi resides. Rack or any kind of blockage on the entrance creates stress in mind, blocks money and increases the negative energy flow.

Keerti Lakshmi: The presence of Goddess Keerti Lakshmi in house will give its inhabitant’s true respects from the family members as well as outsiders. In order to please Goddess Keerti Lakshmi we need to enhance East side of our house. Don’t keep heavy things in East section of your house. And avoid keeping things like broom, cleaning cloths, shoe rack, etc. in this direction. Try to keep this section as clean as possible.

  • Shoes should never be placed in the north, south-east or east portion of the house.
  • Never keep a shoe rack in the bedroom
  • Try to keep the shoe rack in West/South West.The ideal location is South-west position of main hall or porch.
  • A difficulty arises when the entrance of the house is in the North to East, as it is customary to place the Shoe rack near the entrance. If there are no options then try keeping the rack outside the entrance if possible
  • It is not practical to keep the Shoe rack in North West if the entrance of the house is from the North East. Under such circumstances, if there is no other alternative then try to keep the rack near the entrance but in the North West direction.
  • If a showcase has been planned in North East near the entrance, the Shoe rack can be placed in the same.
  • If the entrance of the house is in North East, it is essential to plan the place of worship in the North East direction. At the same time if the shoe rack has also to be placed near the entrance it is necessary to retain the sanctity of the place of worship by maintaining a suitable gap between the two.
  • Avoid cluttering footwear in front of the main door. Even if it takes some extra effort, make sure to put it in the shelf and arrange it.


  1. My entrance is east facing
    Can keep closed shoes rack shoes won’t be visible in the north west of the entrance

  2. My Enterers olso sauth esat, so please advise to where are the place in put shoe Rack on my family. Msg me sir.

  3. I want to know ,whether one can keep statue of elephants and bamboo plant above Shoe cabinet.

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