Staircase Vastu

Vastu can go a long way in securing prosperity, success and happiness for everyone in the house. Therefore it becomes important that before thinking of building a staircase for your new home, you keep in mind these few suggestions.

  • A staircase must always be built in South or West direction of the house. Avoid constructing it in the north-east corner, this may lead to financial losses.
  • The stairs should rise from the East to West or from the North to South.
  • Staircases must always be painted in light colors and shades such as red and black should be avoided completely.
  • The number of steps in a staircase should be an odd number and it should not end with a zero, like 10, 20, 30 and so on.
  • Avoid constructing spiral staircase, it may cause ill effects on health.
  • There should be no staircase just outside the main door of the room or the house.
  • always construct your staircase in such a way that the staircase should not be visible to the visitors.
  • The stairs should not touch the northern or eastern walls of the house.
  • Broken stairs must be repaired immediately.
  • Never construct a bathroom, kitchen or puja room under a staircase. This area can only be used as a storage space or may be a book shelf.

One Comment

  1. Oh, come on… We are modern people! The starting part of the stairs should not be round. I’ve made tens of rounded first steps of the staircase. It looks beautiful and customers are exalted…

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