The combination of blue and white color is one of the most popular combinations. They are very common as they help in building a smart and cooling environment. Blue and white color combination is an ever green combination and can never go out of fashion. The combination not only builds up a fresh look in the room or house but it also builds up a welcoming and relaxing environment within the room. White is one of common shade which is used by many people. It is the color which suits with almost all color combinations. On the other hand blue is the color of relaxation. It builds up a cooling and inviting atmosphere in the interiors. These two colors can be used to design your room uniquely. Below are some of the ideas which you can use to decorate your interiors with blue and white combinations.
Bedroom is the place of relaxation. It is a place where you come and relax after a whole day hectic schedule. Blue is the shade of relaxation on the other hand white is the shade of calmness. White color when combined with blue can do wonders. They build up a relaxing and cooling environment and make the room an amazing place to relax and spend time. You can paint the bedroom walls with turquoise blue color to give your room a unique look. You can also use wall papers with floral prints painted in blue. Add white color striped with blue color prints. Add a bed with light blue cushion cover and pillows. Decorate your bed by adding a bed sheet with blue and white floral prints along with a dark blue blanket.
Contemporary Bedroom
Create a soft atmosphere in your bedroom with combination of different shades of blue and white. You can paint the walls with white color to give a calming appearance and furniture fabric in blue shades. You can place a white color rug in the bedroom to build up a contemporary look. Add curtains and other accessories in shades white and blue.
Kid’s Bedroom:

As blue and white are the universal colors and therefore can be used in any room. You can also decorate your kid’s room with combination of blue and white color. Add blue shade flooring stripped with white color. You can also install white marble flooring; however it will give up a matured effect to the room. It is advised to use blue color more in the kid’s bedroom as it would build up a colorful room for them. Use blue color bed covers and cushion covers. Add clue color curtains with white floral to give your kid a beautiful bedroom. You can also create a theme based bedroom for your kid such as sea beach or water sports.
Combinations of blue and white color can also be used in decorating the kitchen. These combinations are most popular as they make the kitchen look neat, clean and relaxing. You can install timber flooring and a granite countertop in your kitchen. Timber goes well with the colors like white, blue, grey. One of the advantages of using blue and white shades in the kitchen is that you can alter your kitchen by simply adding modern colorful furniture or accessories.
Blue and white are the colors of relaxation and bathroom is the place where we relax and get ready in the morning. You can splash blue color walls and can add dark blue ceramic tiles with white strips on it. You can also add white tiles with blue diamond or flowers on it. Decorate your bathroom with different accessories. You can use a crisp white marble countertop to create a focal point in the bathroom.
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