Feng Shui is an ancient science which was developed by Chinese and is one of complex sciences that deal with art of placement. Feng Shui normally has huge impact on everyone’s life if seriously considered. It can affect your moods, surroundings and life style. It is a simple collection of some practical solutions which you can implement and can enjoy the positive energies. It changes the negative energies into positive energies. It is offers variety of cures to improve your life. It is a fundamental art which teaches as how the flow of energies can change one’s life. You can implement Feng Shui in your office area also. It is quite easy to get started with Feng Shui. As we spend most of our time in offices it is essential to have a place of peace and harmony. Here are some useful tips which can help as to how to get started with Feng Shui in your office:
- Clear the Clutter: Any clutter in the office should be cleared as soon as possible. The unfinished, broken up things, or unused or disorganized things should be trashed away. The clearing of clutter from the office will bring in new and positive energy in your office and will make your office organized and tolerable. Clutter acts as an emotional constipation in the office. It blocks the new energy to enter into the office. Also clear the clutter from the cabinets and desktops regularly.
- Always see that everything at your work place is comfortable. You can use a good glare screen and radiation filter in order to avoid unnecessary headaches and illness. The chair which you are using should be comfortable while seating for long hours as well. This would avoid backaches and other health issues. The computer desk should be comfortable to work on. There should be good place to keep a keyboard and the mouse. Keep in mind anything which cause you discomfort will drain your energy and will make you week.
Feng Shui Tips for Office Always keep your computer clean and clutter free. Always clean your inbox. Your inbox should consist of only important and relevant mails. Delete the irrelevant mails if any. Always create folders so that your inbox remains clean and organized. Create Folders to file emails you want to refer to. Make sure you go through your folders regularly and delete those emails which you no longer needed. It is advised to clear the folder at least once in a week
- Make sure that your computer does not have waste material. Computers are great clutter collectors. If you have some unused programs or files. Delete them as this will also decrease the speed of your computer ad will make your things too disorganized.
- When you enter the office the far left hand corner belongs to your Wealth and Prosperity. Therefore clutter towards that side would surely affect your prosperity. You can place a small tabletop fountain or a valuable item. Paint our office with blues, purples and reds for prosperity. You can also include these colors in your work table to make yourself feel prosperous.
- Always clean your windows and doors from dust. You can vacuum them. Regularly cleaning your office and emptying garbage will keep the Feng Shui energy fresh and positive.
- A plant can also bring a change in your work life. It will also absorb toxins in the air.
- It is advised not to have your office in your bedroom. If you have your office in your bedroom then it is advised to partition it off with a screen or a curtain. Work and sleep are two conflicting energies and therefore to have a relaxing sleep it is good to have a separate work place.
- Do not have broken things placed in your office. Remove such things as soon as possible as this would block the flow of Chi and the positive energies.
Image Courtesy:- http://fengshui.happyhomezone.com/, http://www.workingworld.com/