Laying a cement Concrete floor is a fun and when it is your own garage then it is all the more exciting. You just require fine sand, cement and gravel. So just check out the weekend when you are free and go ahead doing it of your own. But before make sure to look around and get a general idea as to how to go about. Remember you cannot make a single mistake out here. Here are guidelines which will help you in laying cement concrete floor.
Guidelines for laying the concrete floor:
- Before going ahead first thing to check out is tools and materials that are to be used while laying the cement concrete floor. Get a small table to keep them and place it somewhere nearby so that you can easily access them during the work. It is suggested to be focused while performing the task or you will end up with a messy floor.
- Churn the soil or dirt with the help of tiller so as to make it smooth and soft. This will prevent the flooring from cracks and crumbles in the long run.
- Now get the wheel barrel to mix the cement with sand and gravel. Put recommended ratio of cement, sand and gravel only.
- Divide the floor into equal parts of not less than one or two meter square area with stacks with a temporary support. Place them in a grid form. Remember the depth of the stack should be the same as that of the thickness of the floor to be laid. It is advisable to keep length of the stack not less than 2 meters. It is important to have stacks of uniform size. This would help in leveling the floor as well as make the floor even across the area.
Laying a Cement Concrete Floor First lay the cement concrete on alternate grids. Try not to pour it as far as possible. Now level the same with the wooden float to render a compacted surface. It is advised to keep a continuous check on the leveling section. The level of the floor should be even in every grid where you lay concrete.
- Let the concrete dry. On the next day remove the stacks and mend the exposed parts. Also check out the floor leveling uniformity.
- Clean the remaining alternate grids from dust, droppings etc and place the cement concrete in them. Repeat the same the steps as stated above.
- Also fill up the gaps on the floor if there are any with the concrete.
- It is suggested to do curing of the floor for at least a week or so.
Precautions to be taken while laying down the floor:
- It is advised to maintain quality in the material i.e. sand and the cement. They are the major components used while laying down the concrete floor.
- Check the cube strength of the floor. Cube strength is a kind of test used to check the strength of the Portland cement by testing the load per unit area.
- It is advised to avoid laying concrete flooring during winters and rainy seasons. As during these seasons it becomes hard for concrete to dry and settle down.
- Check the thickness of the topping.
Marvelous article! Guidelines for Laying Cement Concrete Floor | Interior Design honestly tends to make my day somewhat better 😀 Keep going together with the remarkable posts! Regards, We’ve