Living Room Interiors

Whether the room is large is small, a well planned living room makes the most of the spaceĀ  so that it is a relaxing and welcoming room.If you’re out all day at work,its important that you’ve got a room where you can open the door,collapse on the sofa,put on the TV or some music,and do nothing.If you love entertaining,make sure there’s enough seating to comfortable fit extra guests,even if its as simple as pulling out a few large,squashy floor cushions.

A sofa (or two) is considered an essential par of a living room,so plan for a new one carefully.As well as the design of the sofa’s shape,the comfort factor and the style and color of the upholstery,the size of the sofa is incredibly important – too big and it will dwarf the room,too small and it will look out of place and won’t seat as many people as you hoped.

Organize storage so that toys,DVDs,books and magazines are easily found yet out of the way when they’re not needed.Custom made cabinetry designed for your needs is the ideal,but ready-made shelving units,either open or in cupboards to conceal their contents,work just as well and help prevent clutter from taking over the room.A large coffee table with storage space beneath is another useful item.Keep some space free to display pictures, photographs and ornaments, which add a personal touch to the room.

More often than not, the television becomes the focal point of the living room. This is great if you spend all your time watching TV, but not so good if you want to make your living room multifunctional. Some people have the luxury of having a family room, here they keep the television and leave the living room for more formal occasions and entertaining. Whatever the case, the living room is often the room in which people judge our design taste! So the living room should portray you and your family’s personality, what you are interested in, your collections, your artwork, your travels, all the things that make your living room feel like home and comfortable to you. It should house all the things that you love to have around you. Not things that you think you should have because they are in fashion or the style of the moment.

To Read more about Living Room Interior Design Ideas and Tips, click here

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