Lighting of swimming pools, fountains, waterfalls should be very effective as people might be magically attracted due to these lighting effects. If you wish to set lighting in your swimming pool, it is advisable to follow some tips for swimming pool lighting which are as under:
- It is necessary to set all the lights during the construction of the swimming pool which will help in keeping the wires away from water.
- It is advisable to place the lights to sparkle down the deep end of the swimming pool.
- Swimming pool lightings can be effective only when they set below the level of water, into the sides of the swimming pool.

By lighting your swimming pool, you will be able to solve your problem of not being able to swim at night. By adding a different lighting in the swimming pool, you can add a pretty glow to your swimming pool. You can add different kinds of lightings in your swimming pool to add a bit of ambiance. The most popular lights are LED lights, fiber- optic and floating lights, traditional lights, and solar lights.
LED Lights:
Instead of having bright lights in the swimming pool, pool owners can have LED lights as LED lights tend to be brighter with long life. It is also true that LED lights are more costly than bulbs, since they will save your hard earned money in the long run. LED lights come with a group of colors which can be located either under or above the swimming pool water. Most of the LED lights come with a built in color wheel, so swimming pool owners have the facility of changing the light to turn creation of colors which results in an exciting affect. Many LED lights have an inbuilt system, by which colors can be rolled through general a light show underwater.
Fiber-optic Lights:
There is no electricity running through fiber optic cable, due to that fiber optic lights are very secure for underwater use. Fiber optic cables are run to a generating box which is set away from the swimming pool. Even, the installation of fiber optic lighting is very easy that cable can be installed for some specific days.
Floating Lights:
A rechargeable battery is used to run floating lights. Floating lights can be found in different styles and colors. These lights can also be expected to float freely around the swimming pool.
Traditional Lights:
A traditional light means use of bulbs in lighting, usually which can be found at public swimming pool. At the time of construction, traditional lightings can be fixed. It is very difficult to change the bulb which is used in traditional lighting.
Solar Lights:
One of the easiest lights to have in a swimming pool is solar lights as these solar lights are very simple to recharge. Some solar lights come with a special sensor, due to that they directly come on when the sun goes down.
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