Furniture is one of the essential elements of every house. They build up a different look altogether. Placing different style of furniture in home not only adds a beauty to the interiors but also builds up an amazing environment. It can impact one’s moods, health and comfort. Furniture can be found in different style, designs and comfort. However, apart from all these, it is more important to have good quality furniture which can last for long. The proper handling of furniture can lead to increase in its durability. Here are certain tips and remedies which you can consider in order to handle the wooden furniture properly. This guide will also make the things easier for you to take care of furniture.
Few Home Remedies for you to maintain Wooden Furniture at home or office:
- Always clean the wooden furniture daily with a clean cloth. Avoid using damp cloth to clean the furniture as this would leave strains on the furniture. Always use a dry and a clean cloth or towel to dust the furniture. You can use damp cloth only once in 3 to 6 month.
- If there are strains on the furniture then use a clean cloth or a damp cloth and soak it in the water. Rub the cloth on the strain in a circular motion and then dry it with the dry cloth.
- Do not use alcohol, nail paint remover or soap to remove strains on the furniture. This will damage the polish of the wooden furniture and would make it look ugly.
- Make sure that you do not place any hot container or hot objects on the wooden furniture as this will make the furniture colorless and will create strains on it. Always use table mats on the table or coasters to put anything which is hot.
- Avoid harsh use of furniture. Open the doors, windows and drawers gently to avoid scratches. It would also increase the durability of the furniture.
How to remove strains from the wooden furniture?
When we use the wooden furniture for everyday purposes there are possibilities to get some stubborn strains that can spoil the looks of your furniture. Therefore in order to preserve the looks of your furniture here are simple and easy home remedies by which you can protect your precious furniture:
Burns of Cigarette
Take few drops of linseed oil and scratch the burn. You can also use concealing polish to remove strains. Rub the burn until it disappears. Do not rub strongly.
Heat Marks

Take a clean cloth or a towel and dip it in camphorated oil or mineral spirits. Now rub the cloth gently on the strain to remove the heat marks. You can also use grain with extra-fine steel wool. Now wax or polish the furniture for good looks.
Nail Paint
Wipe the extra spill so as to minimize the damage with a blotting paper or a clean cloth. Now dip the fine steel wool in wax and rub the same on the marks. All these steps should be done as fast as possible.
Painting Marks
You can use water and oil-based paint with mineral spirits to remove fresh marks of paint. However, if the marks are older, then soak the spot in boiled linseed oil for few minutes until the paint softens up. Now take a putty knife and lift it carefully. You can also use cloth dampened with boiled linseed oil to remove the strains.
Sticking Paper
Use salad oil and dampen the sticking paper completely for five to ten minutes. Now rub the paper with extra-fine steel wool.
Wax or Gum
If there is a spill of wax or gum on the wooden furniture then firstly harden the substance with an ice cube in a cloth against it. Now use a plastic card or your finger nail to remove it. Then rub the area with mineral spirits. Now wax or polish the furniture for good looks.