Bathroom is the place which is commonly used by everyone in the home. It is one of the important places in the home. Designing of a Bathroom varies from home to home however, every designing has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore one should be very careful while designing up their bathrooms. An improper designing can make you frustrating. This article make you aware with some top ten very common mistakes that everyone makes while designing up your bathroom. This would help you in being aware with those common mistakes so that you can end up designing your bathroom correctly.
Correct budgeting: Prepare the right budget for any project. Many of us prepare the budget considering only the expected expenses. However, there are many instances where we end up with huge list of unexpected expenses which increases our overall expenditure. Therefore, it is advised to always plan for those unexpected expenses and prepare a budget. It is better to always over budget your expenses by 10 to 15 percent no matter what project you want to complete. In order to prepare a correct budget, first start listing down your priority items. You should then consult with the designer for some tips. This will give you tentative pricing of your listed items to start preparing your budget. For example you can start up with priority items like wash sink and bath tubs that are to be placed in the bathroom.
Installations: Any improper installation can lead to high repairing costs and huge expenditure. Therefore, always keep in mind the safety issues while any installations especially electrical installations.
Spacing issues:

The next step is to evaluate the exact space you have in your bathroom to install the bathroom accessories. This would help you to take decisions while designing your bathroom. If you have a small bathroom where you can not fit bath tub then you can just install a shower to take bath.
Storage capacity: It is advised to have enough storage space in the bathroom so that you can keep bathroom items. You are required to have cabinets in the bathroom to store shampoo bottles, towels and other cleaning stuff. If your bathroom is small and you have less space, then you can hang cabinets or shelves on the wall or wall shelves. You can opt for hidden or exposed stage cabinets.
Future planning: Always plan the layout of the bathroom keeping in mind the future. You can create a bathroom for your child and in future can remodel it as your child grows. This idea goes with those parents who like to change the themes and colors as per child’s requirements. You can keep the surface bathroom materials stable and can add removable bathroom accessories like curtains and towels, cabinets etc. This best way of keeping your bathroom fit for future.
Going Trendy It is good to be away from trendy looks. There may be chances that the tiles which you used 40 to 50 years back may not be appreciated by the public now. Therefore it is advised to think hard before applying any trendy material into the bathroom. For example, you may go for a tile with some trendy styles for your child but he may not agree with the same design after 5 to 10 years.
Choosing Materials Choosing the right material is one of the most rigorous efforts. It is the right quality products which act as an investment for any project. While choosing wallpaper it is advised to think hard. For tiles it is good to use ceramic tiles or porcelain tiles. You can also opt for semi-porous tiles, natural stones or hardwood surface. Teak wood surface is the best as it is water proof.
Environment It is advised to always make eco-friendly bathrooms. It is better to install aerators on faucets or shower heads which will reduce the water consumptions. Use a low flow toilet as it will use less water. You can also replace a regular water heater with a tank less model. This will consume less energy. Make note of little things also like use of less toxic paints, compact bulbs as these adjustments can reduce impact on the environment.
Lighting Lighting plays a very important role. Bathroom is the first place you visit early in the morning therefore it becomes necessary to make the bathroom appealing with lighting which can make your mood good for the rest of the day. Evaluate the size of the bathroom and then choose an adequate lighting that will illuminate your bathroom. Make note of vanity lighting as they play a major role in lighting up the vanity area.
One of the most important where you should invest is the proper ventilation. You can install exhaust fans to allow fresh air to enter into your bathroom. This would make the air quality in the bathroom healthier.
Thanks prashant, will keep u updated. do u require ideas on any particular topic?
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